Tuesday, December 23, 2008
just a note about my mother...she fell today on the front steps of the Montessori school where she works, and we thought that she may have broken her hip, and foot. Luckily the x-rays showed no broken bones. Thank goodness! My dad said he may call me a bit later to help him get her in the house as she is having a difficult time walking. They may end up admitting her anyway because she is nauseous from the Demerol shots that they gave her for the pain.
Poor thing, she called me around 5PM crying in pain. They were somewhat concerned about the way the blood pooled under her skin. The nurse told my dad that it looked like what they would expect from someone who had taken a lot of Aspirin. She takes Motrin but I don't think she takes Aspirin. Go figure.
Anyway, she is going to be fine only in a lot of pain tomorrow I'm sure. We are to spend Christmas Eve at her house tomorrow. I hope she isn't so miserable that she doesn't enjoy it. I think we will probably go for pizza rather than a traditional Christmas dinner.
I hope everyone has a nice holiday, and I hope all is well.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
yes I am the worst blogger ever! I'm so sorry to be so slow. Anyway... lots of eventful fun the past couple of weeks. Both the kids have been sick THE WHOLE TWO WEEKS with upper respiratory infections that were led by fevers, coughs, and grumpy demeanours. What fun!
In between missing school, and taking medicine, we have attended Christmas parties at both schools. At Sofie's school Santa came to town with gifts of books, and plenty of HO, HO, HOs. And at Briar's school they did a gift exchange, had lots of goodies (that mainly got thrown in the trash), and the same LONG performance from the choir that they had at the winter festival. Too bad Briar was green with a 104 degree fever to really enjoy any of it.
As for me, I have changed my freakin' mind again as to my career focus. I am now pursuing paralegal. Check again in a couple of weeks when I have actually posted on my blog again to see what the new plan will be.
One good thing came out of me meeting with an advisor to change my career focus, was that I ran into my friend, teacher, and mentor Christina Lovin. She quickly invited me to a Poet's Supper and ended up picking me up Thursday night at 5:30pm. I had a nice time drinking wine and eating good food with some VERY interesting company. Little did I know how much work I have to do on my writing. While much of what these people said I didn't totally agree with, I still realized that they were much better writers than me, and that I have a long way to go.
Friday night was Christmas with some of the in-laws! We ate at Ci-Ci's Pizza and then went to the theatre to see The Tale of Desperaux (I think that is how you spell it). Anyway, we came home to open gifts and have been playing twister over and over ever since. Ohhhhh! Who needs yoga? Just play Twister, yeah you may throw your back out in the process, but what fun!
Tonight was Christmas with my Dad's family, the Langford's. It was the first time I have seen my cousin Robbie since his brain surgery. His face is still swollen but they think it will get better once he starts the Chemo and Radiation. Yes, unfortunately he will have to have both. Good excuse to smoke the "good stuff" if you ask me. It is supposed to help with the nausea. Anywho, I felt weird around him because all he could say is "hey", and all I could think of is how frustrating it would be not to be able communicate. Especially with someone like me because everything I could think of to say needed a response. Or maybe that was just me being paranoid. All things considered he looked really well, and we had a really nice time. The best part was my Mammaw's chicken n' dumplings, yum.
I'm off for now because Briar got a remote control hover jet airhog for Christmas, and he is buzzing around me making it difficult for me to concentrate.