Monday, April 13, 2009
The biggest news I have is that Sofie got her ears pierced. Oh my gosh, was I nervous. For one thing they normally recommend two people doing it so that they could do both ears at the same time. Welllllll there was only one girl there who could do it, and Sofia was determined to go through with it, so we went through with it. The thing is when I was little they used a gun that used the pressure from the gun to pierce the ears. Nowadays they use guns that are powered by the person doing the piercing. Yikes!
Okay, I took a major chance, but Sofie wouldn't have taken no for an answer at that point. She was getting it done no matter what. The first ear went better than the second because obviously she had no idea what she had gotten herself into. She jerked some but all in all it went well. She was pretty tough but leaned into my chest and cried a bit before going into the second piercing. The second piercing wasn't too bad but she did cry pretty hardily after that second round. As for the earrings they are gold hearts with little diamonds in the middle(fake diamonds),and she looks beautiful wearing them. I can't wait until she can pick earrings out for herself, fun!
Not much else going on around here but trying to get my house cleaned from the lack of cleaning this past week. Maybe now I can enjoy my Kitchen.
Happy late Easter, I'll post pictures later.