Tuesday, August 4, 2009
New Post
Hello guys,
hope all is well out there. Things are fine here. The kids are getting ready to start school and the home visits are over, finally. School supplies, uniforms, and backpacks are ready to go. Sofie will be in Kindergarten this year, and Briar will be in second grade. Before I know it they will be in middle school. I love the ages they are at now but I know they won't stay this way forever. Eventually they will be hibernating in their rooms, hogging the phone, and fighting me with smart mouths. For now I'm grateful because I know that I'm in between diapers and smart mouths.
Too bad for me the kids are starting school with bandages. A week ago Briar had a bike wreck and I thought I was going to rush onto the scene to find a bone sticking out. Not to mention the fact that he was whaling like a mating feline. Joe heard him from the basement and thought it was a group of girls until he heard my flip flops running like a bat out of Hell. I finally got to him and pulled the bike off. As he stood up blood was gushing out onto the street. I was bracing myself but for the worst but he lucked out and only had a cut on his head. He had to get two stitches. We think he had fallen on his shark tooth necklace, and we told him that he could tell all the girls at school that he had gotten bit by a shark this summer.
As for Sofie she had to get a weird looking mole removed off of her head which ended up better than I thought it was going to. I had to take her in and have a cream put on and came back later to actually have the mole removed. Before we went in for the removal part I told Briar that if he had any opinions on the gross factor of the procedure that he should keep it to himself. Well, he didn't say anything but he made grossed out faces the whole time. Sofia handled it really well though and totally ignored him. I am so glad it is over.
That's All Folks
hope all is well out there. Things are fine here. The kids are getting ready to start school and the home visits are over, finally. School supplies, uniforms, and backpacks are ready to go. Sofie will be in Kindergarten this year, and Briar will be in second grade. Before I know it they will be in middle school. I love the ages they are at now but I know they won't stay this way forever. Eventually they will be hibernating in their rooms, hogging the phone, and fighting me with smart mouths. For now I'm grateful because I know that I'm in between diapers and smart mouths.
Too bad for me the kids are starting school with bandages. A week ago Briar had a bike wreck and I thought I was going to rush onto the scene to find a bone sticking out. Not to mention the fact that he was whaling like a mating feline. Joe heard him from the basement and thought it was a group of girls until he heard my flip flops running like a bat out of Hell. I finally got to him and pulled the bike off. As he stood up blood was gushing out onto the street. I was bracing myself but for the worst but he lucked out and only had a cut on his head. He had to get two stitches. We think he had fallen on his shark tooth necklace, and we told him that he could tell all the girls at school that he had gotten bit by a shark this summer.
As for Sofie she had to get a weird looking mole removed off of her head which ended up better than I thought it was going to. I had to take her in and have a cream put on and came back later to actually have the mole removed. Before we went in for the removal part I told Briar that if he had any opinions on the gross factor of the procedure that he should keep it to himself. Well, he didn't say anything but he made grossed out faces the whole time. Sofia handled it really well though and totally ignored him. I am so glad it is over.
That's All Folks
posted by JANIE at 3:29 PM

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