Sunday, January 18, 2009
lots going on around here. Briar's 7th Birthday was the 13th. Man, I love the ages that the kids are at. Four(almost 5) years old, and a seven year's great. I wish they could stay this size forever. It seems like yesterday that I dreaded shopping, or going out to eat, with a constant fear of not being able to stay seated long enough to eat, or to be able to do all the shopping before they were so out of control(not that they were that bad) that we had to leave. And now we can actually have a great amount of fun together.
For Briar's birthday we went snow tubing at Perfect North Slopes in Indiana, and we had a blast. In fact Joe and I are headed there on the 31st to go skiing for part of my Birthday gift. My birthday was on the 15th. But anyway the kids did great snow tubing. I thought that Sofia might be a bit scared in a tube on her own, since that's the only way you ride, but she insisted on being in her own tube before it was even an issue. I thought that maybe she might want to at least hold on to my tube on the way down, but no, she HAD to go on her own. She was so brave.
As for Briar, he absolutely loved the idea of tubing instead of having a big "friend" party. I have to admit it made me feel pretty good that he was so excited about going tubing with us as a family instead of his well anticipated party with his friends, but there was no way we were going to do both. We did however do a small party for him with some of the grandparents on the day of his birthday. He had a transformer cake that originally had pink icing until I covered my mistake with some wonderful cupcake icing that was red and blue. He got a new Tony Hawk skateboard, some tech decks(mini skateboards), along with ramps that make a scraping noise when he carves the tech decks.
My Birthday was nice. Joe and the kids got me some really great hiking shoes and a book written by a Danvillian author, and that night I had a nice dinner with my Mom and Dad at Applebees. Even though I was proud of being carded for my margarita, I was then humiliated when the waitress took it upon herself to do the whole Birthday song thingy for me where they come out clapping and singing(I don't know why I hate that so bad). Oh well, I know she was only trying to be nice.
Until Next Time...

Happy Birthday-Cake to both of you!
We love you, and are dying for the sight of you.
(SEVEN YEARS OLD???? Holy Smokes! I can remember my neighbor, John Hill, teaching me to ride my bike without training wheels at that age!)
Love to all of you, honey-
N & D
happy late bay! Glad you had a good time tubing. Wish we could have gone with you.
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