
Wednesday, February 4, 2009

So here we are, nearly a month or so later than my last blog. Well, lets just say it has been a ball of ice here(literally). I mean days of dripping ice, falling branches, and bitter cold steams of breath. Boyle county, for once, got the brunt of the storm and I'm gonna tell ya... it was horrific. The sound of falling branches, exploding transformers, and silence. The sound of ambulances, dripping rain like wax, and silence. It was to the point that even the sheets and mounds of blankets lost their desire. To the point where not even the body heat of another helped. So off we went to nearest warmth, the parents house. Thank goodness for a man by the name of Seth who happened to bring my mother and father two kerosene heaters. Oh, what heaven, what luxury, what warmth. Even though I hated the headaches, even though we vented all we could, and even though we had to turn it off at night to brave the cold less death...we were warm.
I cannot express the modern comforts taken for granted daily. I am so appreciative that our electric is now up and running, our phones, our TV, our water. Thank goodness for luxuries. Next time we will be more prepared. Although hopefully there will not be a next time.
My poor husband, I haven't seen him much in the past week and half. With not a single day off since the storm. Working 8am to 8pm or later every single night. And all of the rude, arrogant people making his long hours longer. I hope things get better for him.
Check out am news(The Advocate Messenger's website) if you are interested in seeing more storm footage.
Bye for now,
posted by JANIE at 2:51 PM 0 comments