Tuesday, August 4, 2009
New Post
hope all is well out there. Things are fine here. The kids are getting ready to start school and the home visits are over, finally. School supplies, uniforms, and backpacks are ready to go. Sofie will be in Kindergarten this year, and Briar will be in second grade. Before I know it they will be in middle school. I love the ages they are at now but I know they won't stay this way forever. Eventually they will be hibernating in their rooms, hogging the phone, and fighting me with smart mouths. For now I'm grateful because I know that I'm in between diapers and smart mouths.
Too bad for me the kids are starting school with bandages. A week ago Briar had a bike wreck and I thought I was going to rush onto the scene to find a bone sticking out. Not to mention the fact that he was whaling like a mating feline. Joe heard him from the basement and thought it was a group of girls until he heard my flip flops running like a bat out of Hell. I finally got to him and pulled the bike off. As he stood up blood was gushing out onto the street. I was bracing myself but for the worst but he lucked out and only had a cut on his head. He had to get two stitches. We think he had fallen on his shark tooth necklace, and we told him that he could tell all the girls at school that he had gotten bit by a shark this summer.
As for Sofie she had to get a weird looking mole removed off of her head which ended up better than I thought it was going to. I had to take her in and have a cream put on and came back later to actually have the mole removed. Before we went in for the removal part I told Briar that if he had any opinions on the gross factor of the procedure that he should keep it to himself. Well, he didn't say anything but he made grossed out faces the whole time. Sofia handled it really well though and totally ignored him. I am so glad it is over.
That's All Folks
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Wow, a new post...Can you believe it?

I can't believe it has been so long since I last posted. A lot has been going on around here. From yard sales, to the beach, to the pool we've been having a blast this summer! The kids are at a perfect age for us to have lots of fun. They are really flourishing into independent, beautiful people. Not to say that we don't have our days, but I am definitely taking advantage of the freedom I'm experiencing as a mom of older(but not too old with smart mouths yet) kids.

Friday, May 29, 2009
big things happening around here. Today was Briar's last day of school. He is now officially a second grader. Man I wish he would slow down. He looks,and acts, more and more like Joe by the day. Summertime is long overdue for me. I have been anxious for summer activities with the kids(the pool, the beach, cookouts) for some time now. And it is finally here. I wish every day could be the last day of school.
I would like to extend warm wishes and high hopes to some of my most loved family members today. My cousin Robbie, who is being treated for cancerous brain tumors, and my husband's uncle Dom who is going through the beginning process of a Bone Marrow Transplant as we speak. Cancer is an unfortunate reality, and I'm sure that these people's courageous personalities will see them through the storm.
Bye for now,
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Finally a new post
By the way I think I forgot to address that my beautiful, sassy, dramatic daughter Sofia turned 5 on April 17th. Wow, why don't we slow down a little. Man....I'm old.
So in other news... Soccer season has been, and almost went, as of Saturday(it is both the kid's last game). Gotta love all the snotty Soccer moms in town;) Saturday is Briar's last competition with the one and only jerky coach who runs around the whole game on the field even though he's not supposed to. He is constantly correcting the other team's players, and none of the parents, or coaches for that matter, like it all to well. So Saturday is the day for Briar's team to step up and show him what their made of. Go Cheetas!
School is almost over for Briar(May 29th), and Sofia's last day was last Thursday. I have never once gotten emotional over the whole school thing, but for some reason Thursday was my day. I decided to get the teachers and their assistants roses(Wal-Mart Mother's Day Clearance) for the last day. One of the assistant's husbands had passed away at the beginning of the school year of a heart attack, and I have grown very fond of her. Anyway, as I was laying out the flowers on the table in the pre-k room she came in and started weeping. Obviously so did I. Sofia was so worried and all I could tell her was that I was crying because she was growing up, and the more I thought about it, that really was the reason.
You see that same assistant had been at Hogsett when Briar was in school, and in a weird way her crying represented saying goodbye. And as the kids get older, and change schools and grades, that is in a way what they are doing- saying goodbye to their youth. So I had a hard day that day because it represented the next step of many to come. I hope I do better with the rest of them.
On a more upbeat note we are getting ready to smoke some meat, Yee Haw, for the weekend. Saturday is the day to test Joe's meat smokin' abilities. Him and a buddy are starting early on some pork roast, and plan to top the evening of with guests, beans, and beer.
All for now.
Monday, April 13, 2009
The biggest news I have is that Sofie got her ears pierced. Oh my gosh, was I nervous. For one thing they normally recommend two people doing it so that they could do both ears at the same time. Welllllll there was only one girl there who could do it, and Sofia was determined to go through with it, so we went through with it. The thing is when I was little they used a gun that used the pressure from the gun to pierce the ears. Nowadays they use guns that are powered by the person doing the piercing. Yikes!
Okay, I took a major chance, but Sofie wouldn't have taken no for an answer at that point. She was getting it done no matter what. The first ear went better than the second because obviously she had no idea what she had gotten herself into. She jerked some but all in all it went well. She was pretty tough but leaned into my chest and cried a bit before going into the second piercing. The second piercing wasn't too bad but she did cry pretty hardily after that second round. As for the earrings they are gold hearts with little diamonds in the middle(fake diamonds),and she looks beautiful wearing them. I can't wait until she can pick earrings out for herself, fun!
Not much else going on around here but trying to get my house cleaned from the lack of cleaning this past week. Maybe now I can enjoy my Kitchen.
Happy late Easter, I'll post pictures later.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
But anyway I didn't mean to get off on a rant. On to greener pastures. Well, not much going on around here. Spring break is in a week from now and we would love to get to the beach but unfortunately for us we are going to be putting laminate down in the kitchen...Although, I guess it isn't all that unfortunate seeing as we will finally be pulling up that old torn up laminate that has been here since we moved in seven years ago.
Oh yeah, I haven't filled you guys in about Briar being in the school talent show. It was hilarious! He came home from school one day telling us that he had signed up for the talent show to play guitar. Well...Briar can't play the guitar. To save him the embarrassment of playing his old, three stringed, out of tune guitar in front of the whole school, we said no. Poor baby was so upset. He said crying "but mom, what am I good at? I don't know what I'm good at?". I felt terrible, so I said why don't you think on it some more and maybe you will come up with something. The next day when I picked him up from school he said, "mom, I figured out what I'm good at". "What?", I said. "Jump roping", he said. " oh, jump roping", I said. "o.k. Briar... jump roping...go ahead".
The next week revolved around his excitement as he had convinced three other people to audition with him. One of whom can't jump rope. I guess they impressed the music teacher Mr. Flemming because he let them do it. We had a great time at the talent show as it was a bit like watching the try outs for American Idol(hence the words try outs). Anyway, my favorite act...Briar and his gang. It was great. To be honest I was a bit worried, but I was truly proud of him for trying so hard. And, no matter how unusual it was, it was a crowd pleaser.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Weekend Birthday
Life is good here. We went to Gatlinburg, TN ("A whole street of fun" as Sofie calls it) for a surprise Birthday visit for Joe. We did all the typical things in Gatlinburg such as the Mirror Maze, the Aquarium, mini-golf, arcades... But mostly we ate. Bennett's BBQ is the greatest place on the earth, as Briar says "I luv me some ribs":).
The best part of our trip was when we went up into the mountains to a picnic area, and on our way we ran into a long line of traffic. We were fussin' and moanin' and all of a sudden we realized that there was no wreck, and there were people running all over the place with their cameras. And then we saw her, in all of her motherly magnificence, a beautiful momma bear. She was trecking gracefully with calm speed, and there tumbling and bumbling behind her was a sweet, clumbsy, baby bear fighting to keep up with it's mother's long strides. They were beautiful, and they reminded me of my own motherhood, and my own clumbsy baby bears who often follow me much in the same way as hers did.
Gotta run, Anthony Bourdain is on the Travel channel, and I'm hungry.
Love to all,